
In order for a Conic governance proposal to be eligible for voting, a proposal must first be published on the Conic Discourse. Proposals that are posted on Snapshot without an accompanying Discourse post will be terminated by the core team. It is recommended that users wait 3 days after submitting their proposal on Discourse before posting it on Snapshot. This time will allow for the community to provide feedback and allow for a more concise proposal to be published on Snapshot.

Conic Improvement Proposals (CIPs)

The CIPs serve to propose changes that improve the protocol. For example, this could be the introduction of a new smart contract or an update to some Omnipool parameters.


  • Duration: 5 days

  • Quorum: 15%

  • Min. vlCNC Balance: In order to post a CIP on Snapshot a user must have a minimum balance of 3,000 vlCNC

  • Vetoable: No

Curve Amendment Proposals (CAPs)

Users can submit a CAP to propose changes to the whitelisted Curve pools for a specific Conic Omnipool. This mainly includes:

  • adding a new Curve pool (whitelisting)

  • removing a Curve pool (blacklisting)

In order for a Curve pool to be eligible for a CAP it should meet the following requirements:

  • Ideally, >$10m in TVL (pools with less can be considered)

  • Underlying assets must have a manipulation resistant on-chain oracle

After a CAP has been passed a LAV must be completed before the new pool is eligible to receive a liquidity allocation weight.

  • Duration: 5 days

  • Quorum: 15%

  • Min. vlCNC Balance: 3,000 vlCNC

  • Vetoable: Yes

A Curve pool must be whitelisted/blacklisted per Omnipool.

Last updated