
Do Omnipools have fees?

Conic charges a 10% platform fee on all CRV and CVX rewards that Omnipools generate. All extra rewards that Omnipools acquire from Curve pools (e.g. SPELL) will be sold for CNC. Fees are not charged on extra rewards or any CNC earnings.

Can fees vary between Omnipools?

Yes. Every Omnipool has a unique reward handler, which contains the logic for enabling and adjusting the fee that should be charged.

Can one Omnipool charge different fees across its Curve pools?

No. The same percentage fee of an Omnipool is applied to the CRV and CVX earned by all the underlying Curve pools.

How are fees distributed?

All platform fees are currently being distributed to the debt pool. Fee distribution is planned to shift from the debt pool to vlCNC holders 1 year post Conic v2 launch.

Last updated